As a lot of you would know, I was planning on doing the Advanced Lean & Strong program for this round of 12WBT, but after a week of serious thought, I've decided that the program is not right for my goals. Sure I want to tone up, but with my running program which will have me running three times a week with a total of 23-27kms a week over the next 8 weeks, my Jells sessions on Saturdays, this new training session I started going to on Wednesdays, the boxing based training I do at home and the fact I really want to start going to KIMAX on Thursday evenings, I really don't feel like I have to time or stamina to add in 5 big strength workouts a week. I am doing some great strength work at the moment with my PT and I love it, but my real goals lie with running and I am not prepared to sideline those.
Running is really important to me. It is something from as early as I can remember, that I was not good at. I remember always coming last in races at sports events in primary school, and only in the last year have a discovered I actually can do it, and not do it too badly either. Sure, I am never going to be the fastest, but who cares - I can actually run kilometres and sometimes I run lots of them.
Anyway, getting away from my point. My point is that I have decided to go with Advanced Lean & Fit for this round - but on my strength days I am going to seriously up my weights. I know a few people suggested the Half Mara running program to me - but I already have a running plan that is tailored specifically to me and my goals that I am really pleased with (getting brilliant results!!!) so Lean & Fit it is. Lean and Strong will be there for other rounds should my goals change, but for now, while OF COURSE I want to tone up, it just doesn't suit me.
Now I've made my decision, I have all weekend to get comfortable with it! Even though after talking to my awesome Twitter family yesterday and getting some excellent advice I started to feel better, and I kind of knew right away this was the right decision to make.
So. Now I have made a decision, that I feel very positive about, I am looking forward to some big challenges this round! None of my goals have changed, just my approach!
Either way.... enjoy!
Thanks Deb! xx
DeleteYay! I'm happy for you! It's so much easier to have made a decision than to be thinking about it. If it helps any, I'm right behind you. I think you've made exactly the right choice - the opinion of another long-distance runner, of course ... but we do enough strength already to ensure those LSDs don't do too much damage .... and there's always Round 2 to do L and S!! Just keep enjoy all those workouts and the wonderful feeling when you finish a 28k or more ... great sense of achievement. Nothing should get in the way x
Thanks Amanda - as soon as I made the decision I knew it was the right one! I love that feeling - knowing you have control and you have picked what is going to be the right thing for you.