So firstly, I'll start with how the #nutritionphotolog went - except for the fact I sometimes accidentally ate my meal before remembering to take a photo, for the most part it went well and do feel like it's not only keeping me accountable but it's also ensuring I remain mindful of what I am eating. I've just been putting together some "highlights" from my nutrition for the week and looking over it I am amazed how much great food I've been able to eat all while remaining at my daily calorie intake.
Here's a sample of what my week looked like food wise:
So here we have my beloved morning skinny flat white (130 calories), 2 egg and ricotta omelette with tomato, capsicum and mushrooms with wilted baby spinach (193 calories), broccoli soup with two slices of wholemeal bread and olive oil spread (260 calories), pumpkin and green bean red curry (290 calories), All Bran Wheat Flakes with Honey and Almond, skim milk and strawberries (242 calories), the trusty apple (72 calories), lasagne (269 calories), penang chicken (257 calories), another morning coffee (90 calories), All Bran Wheat Flakes with Honey and Almond, skim milk and sliced banana (273 calories), Beef with creamy mustard sauce (291 calories) and some Green and Black's dark chocolate (28 calories for 3 pieces but I'd already scoffed half before remembering to take a photo).
This week I'll make a more concentrated effort to get a photo before I hoe in!
Training has been fairly good. In fact I smashed out some of my best running times in this week's training runs which was really satisfying, and yesterday I had a killer strength session with my PT - today I have one of the most hardcore case of DOMS I've had in ages and I've been practically living in a hot bath and I'm almost too scared to spend some time with the foam roller! But this is what it's all about right?
In other news, those who are in Vic Crew get over to the Vic Crew page as we are arranging new team shirts - of course there's the usual debate over colour and style which is tiring, but I'm really excited about the Vic Crew coming together with some gorgeous new tops at the Sydney finale! I really hope I can go to finale this time round as our lease is up at the same time and we have been told we are moving as our landlord wants the place back to live in. I've been putting $2 aside each time I train for about a month now with the idea that might pay for my flights down the track.
Anyway, next week is a big week training wise (ok, ok, when isn't it these days?) but being week 4 I really want to get into it and ramp it up!
Sunday: 10km run
Monday: Brikram Yoga
Tuesday: 8km run with Hill Reps, Body Combat in the PM
Wednesday: Strength
Thursday: 9km run
Friday: Strength with PT
Saturday: KIMAX at AVLC maybe? I'd love to find a local bootcamp to attend though.
Sunday: 17km big kms to run!
By the way, got this message from Mishy herself on Twitter after my 10km run on Thursday morning. Made my day :)
Have a great Week 4 everyone!
Wow! You've had a great week.... Well done!