Well I'm been trying to find a moment to sit, blog and sum up my year like everything else has - as usual I'm late (fashionably?) to the party, but hey, I'm here!
2011 has been an extremely full year! I can't believe how much my life had changed - not just in aspects of my health and fitness, but my outlook has changed - I've always had a lot of determination, and I've finally found ways to channel it, and it's helped me grow as a person. I know a little bit more about myself. It's amazing no matter how old we are, we can still grow and continue to learn more about ourselves.
2011: A Summary
Completed three rounds of 12WBT - a program I was aware of the moment it opened. I watched the 2010 rounds go by, saw some amazing results but really did not feel like I had what it took. By Round 2 2011 I was an Ambassador for the program and attended the finale workout as an assistant personal trainer. It was an extremely proud moment for me.
Started running. I started running on the treadmill in my local gym (I know, boring right?) - I did the first 5kms I ever ran on a treadmill, then the first 10kms. I remember seeing that 10km tick over on the treadmill and nearly bursting into tears - I couldn't believe I had done it. From there I decided I needed to start running outside. My first run ever outside was only a mere 3kms and I found it hard. From there, I was determined to make it to 5kms outdoors - I signed up and trained for my first ever Fun Run - Run Melbourne. I did 5kms in 30 minutes and 20 seconds. To this day I still haven't been able to beat that PB!
Later, after failing to sign up to Melbourne Marathon in time, the gorgeous Rell Frichot let me run in her place - I still can't express how grateful I was for that opportunity and I was determined to smash it big time. I was expecting a time of about 1 hour and 18 minutes, and came in at 1 hour and 1 minute and 45 seconds.
The next (we will get to the end of me blabbing on about running, I promise!!) goal was to get a 15km run under my belt for my major milestone to cap off R3 2011. I was nervous, I was worried I'd hold other runners back, but 1 hour, 45 minutes and 11 seconds later I was done! I still feel quite chuffed about completing it. Thank you to all of the gorgeous #rellsrunners for running with me - it was a special and really important day for me. Not only after I completed 15kms - I THEN ran a 1km time trial and THEN participated (well, to the best of my weary tired muscle's abilities) in a TABATA session.
Personally things have improved for me too - I am enjoying the work / life balance of only working three days a week then having time to support my husband's business and time to do the things I want to be doing. It's less money, but I don't care. Money isn't everything and I am happy I can look at my year and feel like it wasn't spent in an office stressing about things that don't really matter to me personally.
I've had quite a lot of ailments in 2011. Neck pain, which I have GOT to get under control. It's an ongoing issue for me and it's very disruptive to my life. Not to mention being severely painful! There was the month I has stomach flu. I was SO sick for weeks on end. Horrible virus. I had to have a number of dental procedures, which all in an all were preventative work but really, who LIKES going to the dentist. On the bright side, after suffering with atrocious dental pain in 2010, 2011 has seen me with not a hint of a toothache.
Moving house: a lot of you who follow me on Twitter will know I had to move house suddenly thanks to our land lords deciding the ideal time to renovate would be over Christmas. After being good tenants for over 4 years it was a blow. Weeks of house-hunting ensued - it was competitive and depressing. Not to mention the wasted weekends spent looking, the stress of the looming date to vacate, and my natural pessimistic nature when it comes to these things. That said we found a place. We moved, and I love it it. We are in a lovely place, across from a gorgeous park with a running track along the Maribyrnong. I like having more space and I have just started working on the garden out the back with the plans of having my first ever fresh herb garden.
There's plenty more to be said, but I did really want to focus my reflections on physical and mental health and fitness.
2012 plans blog post to follow!!
Well done Nikki, on some great achievements in 2011 and best wishes for more in 2012!
I'm a bit late in replying, but thanks Deb and all the best to you too xo