Now, the absolutely unstoppable Kath from The Courage to Start has a blogging challenge, I've decided this is it. I'm going to blog.
The funny thing about starting - I have a tough time doing it. Just taking that first step is the hardest thing ever. I was aware of the 12WBT from the very first round, but it took me a whole year to actually sign up, and make it happen. Even this blog, sheesh. It's taken me till now to start writing my very first entry!
In any case, here we go...
1. Describe yourself in 25 words or less. You can get straight to the point - or bring your creativity into play.

Hehe, sorry. Look at them though!!!! LOOK. AT. THEM. If life could be this simple, I would be a happy, happy person. I can't explain myself in 25 words or less. Human beings are complex, amazing creatures. 25 words I use today, might not describe me at all tomorrow!
2. What brings you to 12wbt? Getting fitter? Losing weight? (Gaining weight??) Are you first timer, a repeat offender??
Yet another life-time member - this is my third round. I started this because I was desperate to lose weight. Now, as I type this, I'm here at my original goal weight (the one I thought I would NEVER make it to) and am now here to tone up and you know, if I lose a couple more kilos I'll be chuffed. You know, I actually would like to lose about 5-7kg more but I am REALLY looking forward to putting weight loss behind me forever.
3. Why do you blog??
In fact - I don't! I always try. I am married to someone who writes for a living, so I am always extremely judgmental of my own words and maybe - just maybe - a little too much of a perfectionist to let myself just do it. One of my challenges this round was to start writing, to start documenting my journey and to start sharing. So here I am.
4. Who is your biggest inspiration in life and why (doesn't have to be weight loss)
I have two people who are my biggest inspirations for the way you should live life, and it's my husband and my best friend. I spent the earlier part of my adulthood believing I had to work really hard all the time at a job I hated to pay of debts for shit I didn't really need. I met my husband who was a struggling writer at the time, refused to take a Centrelink allowance because he didn't want them to make him get a job he didn't want, he worked hard, built his credibility and now has an amazing, extremely enviable job. My best friend, well I admire his hard work, his creativeness, his dedication. He is a wonderful artist with vision I could only dream of having.
5. What things in life bring you the most joy?
This is going to sound mental, but being in control of my life. It brings me peace, and what brings peace brings joy.
6.What do you think your greatest challenge is going to be this round?
Losing the last 5kg and putting weight loss behind me. I already seem to be trying to throw myself off track, and I can see a lot of bad habits starting to rear their ugly heads. I have been on the brink of opening the door to complacency and it is going to land me in a lot of trouble - so the biggest challenge is reinforcing that this is a lifestyle now and that don't engage in that behaviour anymore.
7. What are you most excited about 12wbt?
This is hard. I think this time round, I've lost a little of the fresh and new feeling I get with 12WBT - just the other day I found myself getting really annoyed with a bunch of people complaining about the program, the food, the amount of exercise. Kick off was still days away and they hadn't even given it a shot yet. They were already blaming Mish for their failures. I forgot to have compassion and see that they were just scared. They were where I was just 7 months ago.
8. And what scares the pants off you?
This is where I am going to be extremely honest. I am a brave person. I do whatever I need to do. But one thing, that no one knows, except those closest to me, is that I am extremely phobic of the dark. It's irrational, I know. But I just can't deal with it. I sleep with the light on in the hallway EVERY night.
9. Tell me - right now - today - how do you feel about exercise in no more than 10 words
I hate it. I hate it and I love it. It's part of me, who I am and who I want to be.
10. Complete this sentence - in 12 weeks time - on the last day of 12wbt I am going to be feeling ____________________
Amazing. Last round I have the final 2.5 weeks robbed from me as I was down with a ridiculous bout of stomach flu. At the end of this round, I will be healthy, fit and strong. I will know I put my everything into this round and that I'll be approaching 2012 with weight loss behind me forever, and a new fit life ahead of me.
Well there you have it. The first time I have been - as Mish says - arms open, gut wrenchingly honest with you all. I hope you come back and read again.
Nikki xo
Hi Nikki
ReplyDeleteI hadn't realised you had a blog - but now I know... I love the perspective you've gained re your life. And I'm intrigued about what your hubby does and like that he and your best friend inspire you.
I didn't know you 7 months ago but even I can tell how far you've come. (You certainly seem on top of everything now!)
Hey Deb, was trying to reply to your comment but computer (blogspot) says no. My husband is a film reviewer and journalist and you can find him at :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for your kind comment. Sometimes I feel so far from being on top of everything it's not funny!