Saturday, February 4, 2012

Goals - 12 Weeks and Beyond

I've been meaning to blog about my goals for this round for a few weeks, but like my commitments, I wanted to take a little time to really define what is important to me and what I really want to get out of this next 13 weeks, on top of my bigger, longer terms goals.

I have two big long term fitness goals - to run a half mara in July and to become a fully qualified PT. In regards to both I am making really steady progress and I am happy with the way things are going. So I wanted to make some smaller 'non-interrupting-the-big-goals' goals. Some goals might even be 'little goals that help the big goals become within easier reach' goals.

1. My first goal is to become an early riser. I have never has a special talent for getting up early. But I really love early morning training, and I also really enjoy the idea of having time before the day starts - getting up and rushing to get ready before a dash to work is no fun. And sleeping on days off till goodness knows what time is a waste of the day right? I know sleeping is good, but so is living life?!

2. Complete the L&S program. I have had a lot of conflicting information on this program, and thankfully I got the opportunity to speak to Rell about it yesterday and now I have a clearer vision in my head about what I want to get out of the program. Running is my priority, but I want to build my strength. I know there are a lot of L&Sers out there that say I can't do both. I can do whatever I want! From my very first round of 12WBT I had to adapt the program to fit into my lifestyle and make it something that I got exactly what I wanted out of it, why should it be any different this round?

3. Lose 5kg. I know I still have a bit of weight I could drop. So I would like to lose the last 5kg and be done with this. I've been quite happy with my weight for the last 3 months so this isn't as an important goal to me as the others, but I think losing a few more kilos could only help with my fitness, so I've decided that it needs to be done. Which leads to ..

4. Get my nutrition back under control. I'm not a binge eater and I'm pretty good with my choices, but there are too many days where I skip meals, and lately the evening snacking has been making a spectacular comeback. I really miss the feeling of knowing I'm in control of my food and how eating really clean makes me feel.

So there I have it. Four shorter-term goals, all within reach if I really want it.


  1. Fabulous Nikki. I absolutely believe in you! You will be an awesome PT. xx

  2. Great goals Nikki. I need to adopt No. 1 myself and like the idea of non-rushed mornings!

    You'll do great this round.

